Here’s a brief article you’re welcome to pass along to your employees or use as you wish

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Spring and warm weather is near and for many of us that means more physical activity–including sports.  If walking from your car to the court is the extent of your warm-up, don’t be very surprised if one day your muscles rebel. A person’s muscles, bones, ligaments and brain shouldn’t be forced to perform without preparation. It’s like starting your car on a cold morning and immediately racing down the highway at 100 mph.

A good warm-up sends blood to the muscles that you are about to exert, and prepares your body for physical stress. Choose a good all-purpose warm-up routine and add any exercises that are necessary for your particular sport.

For your muscles’ sake, warm-up for at least ten minutes before revving your body.

Every year, millions of people who exercise or play sports sustain muscle injuries. Government specialists set the number of muscle injuries at 15 million a year. Most remain unreported. Only the severest are handled in doctors’ offices or hospital emergency rooms.

According to the book Sports Health, one of the top six factors that predispose an athlete (professional or amateur) to multiple muscle strains is “Improper or incomplete stretching and warming up prior to exercise or competition.”

So the next time, before you play or exert your body– warm up!