After hosting hundreds of safety meetings, training sessions, and presentations, I’ve picked up a few “handling heckler hacks.” here are the three I’ve found most effective in handling the ever-not-popular know-it-all all who interrupts and won’t shut up.

1) Let the person talk for a bit. Show you are interested in what they are saying. 

2) Ask questions about their comment(s) at first. Let’s say they are telling everybody how to set up safety barricades. Ask the person to give specific examples of when and how their way was effective. Now, don’t be surprised if they don’t have any specific examples. If they don’t have a case study to describe, give one or at least segway from that to your next point if they do have an example, great, use that to show why and how barricades are important. This way, you avoid disagreeing with them directly. (Of course, if their suggestion(s) are unsafe, you’ll need to explain the correct procedure tactfully.)

3) After one or two comments, say, “Let’s move on so we don’t go overtime.” This tactic always works if lunch, break, or quitting time is up against the meeting. If they bring up a new subject, that’s easy; ask them to stay after the session, and you’ll discuss the topic with them. Rarely do they stay. If they do, well, you’re on your own!

Critical point: Don’t get flustered. I did this early on in my career as a safety supervisor and trainer. But now I stay calm and realize it’s something you can handle gracefully, and with the right encouragement, the “know-it-all all” will be more likely to quiet down and work with you.

‘till next time.


PS: Remember, Great Leaders Make Safety Fun!