stress-at-workStress can kill. It’s as simple as that. It can kill your joy of life and your ability to function on even the most basic level. Stress also distorts your decisions and is often a root cause of dangerous behavior that results in accidents. And as you’ll see from this article that was on yesterday. it can cause you to kill yourself —literally.

In the article, Patricia Pegg Jones, health and well-being program leader at the Work Foundation, explains that “employers can help workers in times of uncertainty by being open and communicating effectively with them, explaining what changes are in store.” It may not seem that important to consistently keep employees informed of what’s going on at their workplace but it is.

During the seminars I host to help leaders reduce stress in the workplace I make sure the leaders understand how vital it is to communicate as openly as they can and as often as is reasonable. In all of our relationships, how well we share our thoughts, feelings and “what’s going on” will determine their quality and the amount of stress they do or don’t cause us to experience.

‘till next time.
