Do you exercise? I have an on and off love affair with exercising. I’m in love right now. It’s worth the effort for sure. I’m going to add some Yoga exercises into my workout.

Yoga is a great stress reliever not just for your mind but your body too. Companies with advanced Health and Safety Programs are realizing the importance of educating their employees (and providing services) about topics that are outside traditional “safety” such as healthy dieting, helping teenagers handle depression (of course, if the company’s large enough there are many employees that have teenagers at home), stress management, and overcoming insomnia. It  makes my heart glad to see this. It indicates two things: one, that “safety” has developed into something much more sophisticated than just “wear your hart hat” and “do this don’t do that”; and two, that the leaders at these companies are savvy enough to realize that the healthier and happier employees are the better they’ll perform. My hope is that this trend continues and that profits (or the lack of them) doesn’t slow it down. During times when people are frightened (which is almost always by the way) it is even more important that those of us who are leaders continue to help the “whole person” and realize that the time taken to encourage healthy mental and physical habits (like stretching, and taking time to relax the mind i.e. Yoga for me) will help their company and our society. Let me know if you or your company is doing anything outside the traditional to encourage employees to improve their lifestyle.

‘till next time.
