Hello Fellow Safety & Health Leader,

What I expected Safety Stuff (the e-zine I’ve been publishing since 1999) to become and what it is now surprises me. But it has reinforced a few important life lessons. One, is how much your dividends increase when you stick with a project.

At first, you may get nothing besides the excitement from starting something new. However, invariably you are going to get to the place where you wonder is the “juice worth the squeeze?” (That’s a saying my accountant Bud uses to let me know that something isn’t worth claiming because there isn’t enough return for the effort.)

But even if you don’t get enough juice for a while, if you are doing something for helpful, caring reasons the return will always outweigh the effort.

When I was a full-time safety professional, I was always searching for new ideas. Then, when I started my own company that was one of the first things I decided to do, collect, create and pass on ideas and information to help Safety Leaders make safety fun. The best dividend I’ve gotten from this isn’t money or attention but the feedback from the people whose lives I’ve helped.

This has taught me another lesson: let those who help you know how much their help means to you! Now, I send thank you messages to the authors of books I read and give away finger puppets to cashiers and other people who wait on me.

It took a while for Safety Stuff to grow but I’m sure glad I didn’t give up on it. So, to all you subscribers who have helped me make Safety Stuff such a cool e-zine:


’till next time.




PS: Here’s an example of feedback that has made me stick with publishing “Safety Stuff:”

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your newsletter and have been a subscriber for many years! I attribute much of my success to the many ideas shared in the publications. You do an amazing job!

Chris Brozovic
Operational Risk Manager
Heinz Frozen Foods-Florence