two1One of my favorite sayings comes from humorist Charlie Jones, “You are the same today as you’ll be in five years except for two things: the people you meet and the books you read.” I get a chance to do a lot of both.  And as I reflect back on this past year there are two things I’ve learned from books and people in 2012 that have made a positive difference in my life.

#1) Caring about other people, not just striving for that tricky goal “success” is the way to go. All of us will do better, whatever our profession, if helping other people is important to us.

Now I didn’t actually learn this this year. I’ve heard it and read about it for many years. But this year I met a few leaders who demonstrated a caring attitude backed up with action and it has moved me to do more of the same.

Example: when I did my speaking tour with the folks at Pine Bluff Sand and Gravel there was a family atmosphere at the sites and it was obvious that caring about each other was a vital part of their safety culture. It was about much more than just having good numbers. Everybody played a role in this caring culture but the leaders have to exhibit it with their own behavior—and they did.

#2) Of all the books I read this year, Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath was my favorite. I plan to read it again. It has helped me with my talks, writing, and day-to-day interaction with other people. It’s not a book that inspired me to communicate my ideas better. I always want to do that. It’s a great book because it shows you how to make your ideas stick and gives wonderful examples of ideas that have stuck. (i.e. “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” which has been around for hundreds of years in a wide array of cultures.). If you want to be a better communicator, read this book.

So, now it’s your turn. What have you learned this year from the people you’ve met or the books you’ve read? I’d love to find out.

‘till next time.
