Deadly-WanderingTexting while driving has continued to grow as a menace on our highways. I’m sure, like me that you regularly see someone texting when you’re at a red light or you pass one other. A book I just finished, A Deadly Wandering—A Tale of Tragedy and Redemption in the Age of Attention by Matt Richtel is a great read. The author is a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, so the book is well written.

It’s an excellent “safety book.” You not only get to learn how deep the pain goes when people are killed on the highway by a needless act but also what scientists are finding out about the backlash from our addiction to technology.

The main story is about Reggie Shaw and two fatalities he caused because he swerved into the oncoming lane while texting. There are also several chapters on what we’re finding out about the human brain and what regular use of smart phones, computers, Facebook, etc. is doing to its ability to pay attention. The evidence is disturbing.

If you’ve read any books you’d recommend, I’d appreciate you letting me know about them (

’till next time.

Richard Hawk