Hello Again Friends,

Here’s something positive to add to your Friday. While driving in my Mountaineer a couple days ago, I listened to an interview with Geri Weis-Corbley who runs a “Good News Network.” Can you believe it, a network designed for Good News! That’s good news. Here’s a link to the site: http://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/

For many years I have been suggesting to my audiences to cut down on their popular news consumption. Two reasons: one–it’s not designed to inform but just to get and keep your attention and, two–it’s almost all negative! It makes it seem like humans are mostly murderers or regularly commit all kinds of harmful acts.

Sometimes I’ll pick out a person in the audience and ask them if they think their mug will ever be on the major networks around the country. The person usually says “no.” Or, occasionally “I hope not!” Almost all of us will never have that distinction. Why? Because most humans are basically good. We all have habits and traits that we want to improve (i.e. nobody is perfect). But overall we want to do helpful things. Same goes for your employees. Almost all of them want to do a good, safe job.

So, check yourself and your programs. See how much they are like the “popular news” and mostly broadcast the problems and mistakes. Hopefully they are more like Geri’s Good News Network—publicizing the “good news” about your employees.

Hope you have a refreshing weekend. I’ll be working on an outline for a talk and smoozing with friends and family.

‘till next time.

