sleep-at-workSleeping on the job can get you fired in many industries. I worked in the nuclear industry for several years and a nap was an easy way for you to wind up applying for unemployment. I understand that if your job requires diligence, (i.e. a control room operator) that even a few “zzzs” could spell trouble. But that doesn’t mean you should ban naps all together. Naps are good for you and help keep you alert.

Check out this article from the Boston Globe and you’ll see that the data shows that naps help us perform better. (The article also gives advice on how to take a nap—something I definitely don’t need, but you might.) I think banning naps all together at a work site is silly.

I like the idea of allowing (or even encouraging) naps during lunch or breaks when you don’t have to be conscious. Not because I’m a nice guy, but because naps improve performance and reduce mistakes.

What do you think? Are naps at work a good thing?

’till next time.
