Just got back from speaking at the Second Annual ErgoX Conference in Orange County, CA. Excellent conference and the audience was stimulating, intelligent and fun. The 2017 ERGO-X Conference is June 17 to 19 in Tampa Florida. If you’re involved in the field of ergonomics in any way it’s well worth attending.

As always, I learned a few things during my visit:

1) Don’t forget your guitar when you go back to your room after the talk! I woke up at 3 am and for some reason and realized I hadn’t seen my guitar before I went to bed (subconscious at work). I jumped out of bed and yes, it wasn’t there! Rushed to the lobby in a panic and security didn’t see it in the lost and found closet. Thankfully, someone had found it and put it in the banquet hall. What a relief.

2) Bring more than two yodeling pickles.catchboxlinkedin

3) They had the coolest microphone which I plan to purchase. It’s a soft cube called Catch Box that you can throw to someone in the audience before you ask them a question or they make a comment. (See pic). It was soooo much better, and fun, then having an usher walk over and hand someone a mic or put one in their face.

The microphone won’t get damaged if it hits the floor and won’t hurt anyone if they miss it and it hits them or someone else. It got lots of laughs and showed that I don’t have accurate throwing skills. In case you’re interested, here’s a link to the Catch Box site:


’till next time.

